I spend the hour I used to commute in the morning at the gym. First, I gradually increased the number of days a week. Now I go 6 days a week. Now I am working towards being able to work out on the elliptical for the full hour every day. Then I want to replace half an hour every other day with weights.
I spend the hour I used to commute in the evening working outside. My flower beds in the front look pretty good. The herbs by the garage are ready for cooking when Mike comes home. The patio is now a welcoming place to sit and relax over dinner instead of a garbage dump. The vegetables are doing well (despite the melon-loving bugs) and I harvested some pea pods for our salad last night.
I spend the nine hours I used to work for the library in doing stuff that I enjoy: playing with photos, making art and jewelry. I am really spending most of the time catching up on all the chores I have been unable to do for the last five years. And trying to maintain order in the craft room. All the stuff I brought home from the library has been waiting for a new home. Those long-postponed chores, like Wu family photos and slides as well as our own photos and memorabilia, are taking a lot of space.I think it'll be another month or so until I feel ready to "start" working.