So, remember Flat Stanley? Robin has 3D Elvis. We took Elvis to Ohio with us and the pilots made him feel very welcome. Although they did express some concern that their friendliness might lead to them looking for new jobs.
Stepping off the plane in Ohio was like entering a sauna. It was tempting to catch the next plane back to the temperate climate of home. But duty called and we soldiered on. We drove to Westerville to see Jim, Patty (and Rocky, of course!) When we drove up, a pride of cats lounged on the neighbor's porch. They were so photogenic that Jim had to come out and ask us who we came to see.

Elvis had to hang out with the Joes (more pix on Flickr) and when Patty got home we went to Cheescake Factory where I enjoyed a Georgia Peach and the four of us shared a slice of strawberry cheescake. Yeah, we had dinner first but you know what's important.
We drove to Springfield conked out and got up early for breakfast before we picked up Mom and Lynds. CHris, of course, had a tip for the best breakfast. When we located it, the doors were locked and the building was for sale. We ended up at Elton's which was populated by big folks in overalls. The food wasn't great but the atmosphere was a slice of Ohio.

We got Mom and Lynds and set off for Wright State and Tasha's graduation. After sitting in traffic for an hour, just to get to the distant parking lot, we were waiting for the shuttle bus when the skies opened and drenched us. Everyone in line and on the bus was friendly and took events in stride. We walked into the auditorium just as the grads started walking in. Angela got there early and saved us seats. It was a huge graduation and they called every single name! An impressive feat! The only way we could actually get a shot of Tash was through the Jumbotron. After, when offered anything she wanted for lunch, Tasha opted for Chipotle. Dork.

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