Deb's wonderful neighbor, Anna, gave me a ride into DC on Tuesday morning. I meandered down to the mall.

I had the Mall to myself that early, not even joggers were on the path. It was peaceful and quiet and the leaves were changing colors thanks to the earlier cold snap.

The squirrels were busily gathering nuts and wondered if I was hiding anything.
As I was walking through the Constitution Gardens, a flock of Canadian geese came in, scaring away the ducks. Another sign of fall.

I was alone at the Lincoln Memorial (except for a couple of park rangers who seemed determined to wreck my photos. Suddenly large buses disgorged a multitude of teenagers paying more attention to their cell phones than their surroundings. Time to move on.

A group of veterans was being honored at the WWII memorial but I was more intrigued by the spiderweb decorating one of the eagles.
There is a lot of construction on the Mall as they renovate the Reflecting Pool and repair the lawns. I am used to seeing the Mall full of tents and people as it is during summer months.
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