Friday, June 25, 2010

Killer in the Garden

Yesterday afternoon, I was talking to our cat sitter on the phone, commiserating over how she had to clean up feathers while we were gone. She blamed Al because Tiger is her favorite. I looked over at the back door to see Tiger waiting for me to open it. When I got closer, I realized he had a bird clamped in his jaws. I yelled, I screamed for him to drop it but he just sauntered away. I wasn't sure if the victim was dead or alive so I went to get an implement. I wasn't going to pick it up with my bare hands in any case. I cornered Al and got him to let go but the bird laid still on its back. As soon as I started to pick it up, it flew away. Al and I were not speaking for the rest of the day.

It was cool this morning so, after the gym, I weeded the garden, trimmed some, added organic fertilizer and compost. Things don't seem to be growing as fast as they have in the past. Is it a case of the watched pot? The pea pods seem to be nearing the end of their season but Chris tried the first of our yellow pear cherry tomatoes. He complained that it wasn't very juicy. A banana pepper is almost ripe as is a cherry tomato. We have three teeny zucchini and, although there have been lots of flowers, not a single pumpkin yet.

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